Myra A. Waterbury: Divided Nationhood and Multiple Membership in the European Neighborhood

   2022. május 3. 14:00 - 2022. május 3. 16:00

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Tisztelettel meghívom intézetünk soron következő HIBRID rendezvényére:


Myra A. Waterbury:

Divided Nationhood and Multiple Membership in the European Neighborhood:

A Comparative Analysis of Hungary’s Diaspora, Emigrant, and Kin-Minority Engagement Policies.


c. angol nyelvű előadására


This research project looks comparatively at Hungarian state policies and the broader politics of Hungary’s relationship to three distinct parts of its “divided nation”: kin minorities in neighboring countries, recent emigrants throughout Europe, and the older non-European diaspora. I will discuss my preliminary findings about the tensions, trade-offs, and overlaps among the institutional and political landscapes that make up Hungary’s policies towards these different external populations, and highlight the potential impacts of those policies, using the conceptual frameworks of divided nationhood and multiple membership.


A rendezvény hivatalos nyelve: ANGOL

Időpont: 2022. május 3., kedd, 14.00

Online: ZOOM

Személyesen: TK KI tárgyaló (T.1.40.)


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